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5 Best US States To Form LLC Company and Conduct Successful Business


Although many countries in the world like Switzerland, Germany, Cayman Islands and so on welcomes you to establish LLC Company offshore, but they may not be as flexible as United States. For, non-residents setting up a US companymay be very easy. The US Government allows considerable degree of freedom even to the non-US passport holders and does not poke their nose into financial and confidential company matters as long as your business is legal.

Form LLC Company
Form LLC Company

Below are listed 5 best US States to form LLC Company and conduct successful business:

1. Delaware: Delaware offers relaxed legal requirements, privacy protection and easy setup of Corporations. The state charges no sales tax and is considered a business haven.

2. South Dakota: Business incorporation for non-residents here is fast and inexpensive. The provision of no income tax and capital gains tax in the state makes it one of the best destinations to incorporate business.

3. Wyoming: The state is growing as a business hub owing to its no corporate and personal income tax structure.

4. Florida: Although the state does not offer many tax benefits, but owing to its easy business registration and filing process, it is gaining fast popularity.

5. Montana: The state with zero property and sales tax offers the least legal hassles to establish successful business.

A comprehensive guide on the advantages and disadvantages before you incorporate LLC Company


1. Easy taxation: No corporate tax requirement. Individuals file only personal tax returns.

2. No residency need: Even non-US citizens can establish LLC Company in US jurisdiction.

3. Liability protection: Each member is responsible for their own debts and malpractices.


1. Limited growth: Stock sharing to attract investors is not allowed.

2. No uniformity: LLC is treated differently across various states.


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